sleepingfish X

<<|| [16.09.11] Dakota Crane: A Trinary View of the Cryptodynamic Hyperlith ||>>

Heterodyne Acustator -- Perceptic Inevitabilitron
Heterodyne Acustator / Perceptic Inevitabilitron

Astromakhian Aggregate Aegis -- Exvolution Assembly
Astromakhian Aggregate Aegis | Exvolution Assembly

Dakota Crane: Galactronic Hyperlattice Infinitizer -- Parafictsolvic Coagulo Generatrix
Galactronic Hyperlattice Infinitizer \ Parafictsolvic Coagulo-Generatrix

Dakota Crane lives in Olympia, WA and works in the Noosphere, where he designs psychotronic machinery for the Invisibles.

sleepingfish X

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