sleepingfish X

<<|| [30.07.11] Miranda Mellis: I'll Revise Honestly* ||>>

Derek White-I'll revise honestly
Ill, my old ultimate prelude died monitoring the conditions climactic of the regular reports of rasping obscurantist. My hand systematically sued one for abandon, oh now, deciding, did child’s metrics furor cities? Ill, for oh, sit, rove, Ava, kneel, belle, muscle diurnal, discard riches, sully summit of cumulous deed, terror much chosen. I’ll ferry error a form, die trembling Rove sciatic, con. I mirror spin of invention, verse internally. Much did vex machines, per cock’s ire eh? Pain, oh forte, scandal quashed, circle on day, vain lad, discarded. I rag at seemly day’s postal salt, television on pain for the pity’s fortune quest, stand, I test stones, insecure day, canny she, above, I want to tell all to dear father, no rescue of sentries null mad, they don’t know. I recognize a lore, salty and canny, a second lore, false she, sap private cheat divan of day, scattered near man, oeuvre tell of abattoir.

Cone lapidary, advance at technology, die surveilling organza Amy, disposition era daffy seal rhyme and air concentrate easily conditions equally match each. A valve simper latent as Zion defer oh sir, service I own it, you team eco, cozy hole fate. Menstrual pearl, lustrous, avenue, lamb ambient Con Edison, untold scalp ochre institute, a basis I’m dispersing, flapping 53 contents you, in one day due. Element I obviate, lay me out tense venue, attract down fame glitch and even camp in pearl vacancy. Una Bomber explodes prop re: debt. Roll, lure auto. A trace, verso legacy, fiat perceptual regent in no rumor dell of radiation. She vagabond of base soil tear reign. Oil pad, real lag Ida, dais serve a valley new, Voila! A form ad if u want go dally specie. Eat to retro visor. Glee alter none, season of girl at al-anon, season accord deed null: la.
i'll revise honestly by derek white

ill revise honestly
Awry facial camp egg Io, Bambini, Hannah Montana, latent. Ill paid reenter atoll eh? Ha! Choose sol Alamo pod, Ella port acerbic, rabbi, rhyme us to den, troll and go: “Hubris own no distant stars, Aloha.” Grid ought to. Glee all tree, I’m bronze, see? That is so … no said you, tin tore no alto vole, da picnic. Doll, attend a sight, sent evil paid, real minotaur ire, a dare laser, a lame mag, gore, hag agit type pug, nil fret tell lope, I, you, piccolo ham, must trot, oil, ditto media in dire ease, own dilettante. Llama dress, idol tail cap, parody page liar, lo, hap pest a tool? Or has a pellet opera pried a vain dial-up portal? I’ll pay dross entity, old agitated red, a petty deal, a mad rescue, shit, dally tend a coup and owes a court. Yodel cape load erratically: “Habit, sewn on, do parley right, man on the front, a bombing ill made, rehash his post. Per chain on voice, he assault in anxious lore?” Oh, vogue lie Amos, appear cozy face, even a Latin day. Cease state, one attack—new, clear—haggard toil paid wreck cool parole has Nuevo to sue the loon (no strange effete, he). I commence to a career in circular senses, a sauce tap, poised, and venal too. Imam and Sinatra: a tie. Kneel, late tender.

Air rivet owl-cam Peggy, Oh, Bambi, knee high anno, mount a toll, a ten dial pad, drain trait, toe he had chewed, so lay lamp yodel, airport, cerebral rim, ass to dent royal lung: “Ohio biz own Otis to rare solar grid, ate tog.” Loyal tree, I’m bronchi at tizzy, so no sedate intern owl, table the picnic. Dally, tend a sensitive ale quadrille, amen. Torso, I rider, eel laser llama gore I have agitated, impugned, ill frat, ill low pupil, cloy old ham ostrich, ditto media indirection, daily tent de la monde, dress aisle totally a cappella, diaper Anglo has sap pellits to prop, period avante, I all but portray. I’ll pay drowse in titular age, day pied, daily mad rescue, it’s too dally latent, aqua-tint does , eh, accord ode eel cap, pull oh terror, hated : “Hobbit is on dip, our lard inane on the front, I’ve a mean beany.”
ill revision by derek white

Lamarckian hare is posted: “Perch, eh? No voice has colt in ranch lore? Oh, vague lame super coze face, even melting.” “Cease state, young tack on nucleus,” hatred, that oil-paired. Quell parole, hand a vote or sue, do Louis a strained effete. Hack a com, mince a core, rare encircle, olose and sass, to poison even you too. Iambic sonar entreaty, kneel ten day.

ill revision collage
Simper, graze, y’all telescope yo’ harvest, oh, soap: ravish shoot each core revenant in circles low, edifice each, implode vain impasse, itty grand party, delirious, sore, dissolute, distorted.

Seer, young ancient senior, heavy favor in one apartment. I’ll sue apparatchik child, a cussed tick era, rot, to guard a vale scene, die of panic on television. Man on re-use skivvy, a cap irks, a dick is tut to quell a gent. Sis for save ‘em, anon, queer roost giver. Squat ever-late, test is forgiver’s forte Leon. I add one certain punk hose engine, cheater: he has commenced to a preggers. Leap (refer, explode vain doll of Bacchae, ere I cad vane a soul.) Tap Peter. Ha! Toss it to frame. Meant tea, Deus says, statue in his porch, edict sanguine, cartilaginous, hale. Lava too. Lay Viscera daily preggers. Kneel lave and in Noel happy, easy. I’ll understand: debunk her if you are dolphin estrogen.

All pie, a nod is a hope, rave, I’ve Eva on, seek oh, console, can guide a quest you mood, in consequence ail, ilk near rain, an aspect, I die ascetic, renunciate, airy, oh. Low state, a vivid old tattoo. Agni, a bit action, diurnal radio Oedipus: televise or dove, even, or rhyme a near seem, pray access, see, sip. O TV, vast, serial volume, my non-speak, nearly no one, a stunt eh Lou? Of moon known fossil, in grotto dive I dare late vision, eel so canny, detain to tantalize facile veil. Lieu omen, I never known computer neon telephone. Whoever vulnerable: tape petty in a different owl report to the case ion a corporate easel harvest. Chain does savage dope ass tea, frugal eel gore, no one pod aqua-cam. Naval avant indie trooper lacks a pure sissy diva per meaty tear. All can pick Everest arsenal suds, use them paid deviant Olaf. Fenestrate, meant soul dive on sale, muse or invent odd inverse volts-chasm. Guard a tin eagle, aye hawk-eye.
ill revised tele

ill revision
One journal of ache cheese; site a dick as easy. Second-rate cool can guide solo strata, piano rote lode, lapel laze oil. Can they see aficionado? They had datum, now pickle whole, lass, pint ache, come in, cheat. To add a bear, lay down a fish; have a lap rear seal, chewed or sidle. A book aporia indicate less you, or each eye has cause: so late stayed I. Sin; do: “Nonsense, too.” I’ll cane guard a kale, leave you ward of ail; cane, ill cane guide, aha! Come and show to all gear our lead eternal, sense a sauce, tie vested id. A lad on a less is so…nose fellate; did oh so Hanukah mince. I ought to allegory in one veto vertiginous. So prowl a swat EST; Humvee to generate total peregrination needle. “Can he guide a scapula?” “Sis, oh no.” (This page ought to avenge Leo.) Leap you ill dilettante Larry, Tina. Summers the inchoate is true Nero. I’ll cane; guide. No one smite vatic, here comes navigator. Lend a man to later know hokum instead of libraries’ ‘kneel aria’. Whatever, in one stretch of orbit a catatonic ache constitutes evil ass dire volition. Tempo, amp, yoke rich locution, limit pester. No era delineate doll Modoc: you are a colored red elk, an angry day.

Kneel frat temporal, campy geo oil pad rave, a vacuum in shot interrogatory if ugly: “Come Vic, comport arrest in case ode, all cause to nuclear?” Known era, known grade: odorous, ponderous. Hand numina matter late to dip protesters, so toil. Bank, oh die squalor, ma, ill pa, dray, lie haggard. At tea contrary, too.
ill revise conch

ill revision 9

Dope OK, lap art Ed, a lack on typical pitted a la bomb, a venue isolate, who divulge a tune, rapport tone coup, must revoke/chill radiation (nuclear) ere enough in no cue. Keel wrapper to sully bombardier of Zion nigh zero. Have you two vast diffusion? I owe ten a ton of promotion. Me have no mandate to owe tutor a finch, chem. Glo racy lame incapacity, dose o’ observation. Heir mast, old, far, own a sentiment, aim high, mien signet to lave vision remote, a door mires sense, a door mirrors eel telepathy. Ear must (to seduce, to sully) stress said diaper. One set—I, man, a man—is Yule leg in oak: I ache (is bear rat; I glyph to quell, shed domain, dapper sonar, my vulva parlor, solo delivery). “Observe, register, defunct, divulge,” rip it over. “No one stars, trope: pop answer.” My hands signal to a rhyme, an heir immobile, a serve, a rascal tear. Ho, fat, to practice con lair, gist raze ion in analogy. Cheeky lead digital equal tele-pastiche, ancy gutter, who impair a tour revision? I dare to.

 I’m a datura: I deliver easy, give honor, a port, icon, data, authenticity. I owe glee. In vivid vogue lie original inane revision: a tie.

Miranda Mellis is the author of Materialisms (Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs) and None of This Is Real (Sidebrow, forthcoming). She is an editor at The Encyclopedia Project and teaches at Mills College and California College of the Arts.

*A homophonic translation of the first 9 pages of IL REVISIONISTA (Nutrimente: Rome, 2009) by Leonardo Luccone, a translation of THE REVISIONIST (Calamari Press: New York, 2007) by Miranda Mellis.

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