sleepingfish X

blake butler

[31.10.11] Blake Butler: Cake
beyond the slur, coming in to the TV was you were backwards before the glass light with the egg shoved up your rumple and basking in the low long nothing where my mother in her wishing had cracked her skull and bled upon the floor with a great fever and filled the house with evening noise, the pink
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Daisy Atterbury

[13.11.11] Daisy Atterbury: the body itself radically non-Cartesian
accepts those containing loess, gravel or clay-loam stroking hand, if it lingers, encounters violence along the culm in the form of thirty to fifty pendulous spikes encounters smoothness until the rough margins, finding small white hairs
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Marguerite Sullivan

[21.10.11] Marguerite W. Sullivan: How He Came to Belong
In the midst of the natural world his unraveling speech was seen as a freakish burden, the scurry of his legs and the lumpishness of his demeanor were an out and out detraction of the peaceable environment. At length the elements heckled him, the animals affronted him. He pocketed some acorns and
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Jamie Iredell: VI

[11.10.11] Jamie Iredell: VI
The Septuagenarianist scholars misinterpreted the Hebrew word for young woman into the Greek word for virgin. It was an easy mistake to make because there was only a subtle difference in the spelling. So, they came up with the prophecy: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear us a son.
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James Lewelling_ from Suicide

[7.10.11] James Lewelling: excerpt from Suicide
For that reason, audiences of plays rarely—that is, never—apply their keen critical intelligence when confronted with plays of any kind and eat every play they see right up to the very last crumb whether that play is total crap or not, I was thinking, sitting in the same row as the grinning playwright
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mise en abyme

[5.10.11] Stephen Gropp-Hess: Mise En Abyme
The condition of getting whatever one wants and only that thing, copied over and over so that it constantly arrives upon its familiar self, exposing the impossibility of a singular ‘motive’ or ‘reason:’ here is the similar face—if not the same face—fashioned to its specific and momentary and
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Dakota Crane

[16.09.11] Dakota Crane: A Trinary View of the Cryptodynamic Hyperlith
Dakota Crane
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Jim Fisher: 4 Identities

[14.09.11] Jim Fisher: Four Identities
4 IDs by Jim Fisher
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[7.09.11] Darby Larson: Pigs
The pig pigged over pigs. The pig pigged with the pigs. The pig fell in pens. The pig pigged in pens. The pigs pigged on pigs. The umbrellas pigged over pigs. The children pigged with the pigs. The pigs pigged with the pigs. The pig pigged on pigs. The umbrellas pigged on pigs. The pigs pigged with
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Erik Anderson- Gustave Le Gray

[3.09.11] Erik Anderson: from The Glass Wall
I once read a novel in which reality, mediated through the consciousness of the characters, was made up innumerable things simultaneously emerging and subsiding. A crest was a crest at the expense of a trough—or, rather, attention to the trough came at the expense of seeing the crest. To see
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Fidel Sclavo & Daniel Grandbois

[28.08.11] Daniel Grandbois & Fidel Sclavo: from Unlucky Lucky Tales
A man who wanted to buy a team of asses settled for the starfish. He put halters on them and led them home, not bothering to read the letters each still carried, folded like proteins in the cells of their pockets. His stables as unfinished as ever, he let them in under the fur-covered roof of his house.
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Ono Emiliani

[12.08.11] Ono Emiliani: from Vocabolair [w/remarks by Luca Arnaudo]
In fact, the syntax, studying the relations of the order and form of linguistic elements, seems to have discovered some kind of "regularities" between languages: it has been inferred, then, that the constituent elements of a grammar, its rules and representations, are developed according to.
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ill revision by Miranda Mellis

[30.07.11] Miranda Mellis: I'll Revise Honestly
Whoever vulnerable: tape petty in a different owl report to the case ion a corporate easel harvest. Chain does savage dope ass tea, frugal eel gore, no one pod aqua-cam. Naval avant indie trooper lacks a pure sissy diva per meaty tear. All can pick Everest arsenal suds, use them paid deviant Olaf.
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Gary Lutz: Heartscald

[23.07.11] Gary Lutz: Heartscald
He slips a note under my door, says he has forgotten how to talk, so is there something that can be done? I meet him in the lobby. I bring my instruments in a wastebasket. "It's my first time," I warn. I go to work on him. His first words: "I've got something in my eye. A kingdom or something."
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mortal affect by Vincent Standley

[17.07.11] Vincent Standley: excerpt from A Mortal Affect
L ob was not alone in considering the behavior perverse. Regardless of what they thought desirable, Malkings had no business eating: nothing but flesh, vocal cords and a pair of rudimentary lungs past the mouth. Regarding a rectal analog, Malkings were equipped with a simple cloaca, serving
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