2/15 : «What to Read When Walking Through a Graveyard» by Emilio Carrero in The Rumpus. 2/13 : the ink has dried on Skewed ink [OoPs]— the reissue of the first 4 Calamari chaps available now. 2/7 : «The Polymath of Pittsburgh» [on Garielle Lutz] in The Nation. 2/1 : happy pub day to Autobiography of the [Undead] by Emilio Carrero. 1/22 : interview w/ Michael Salu on Full Stop: part 1 + part 2. 1/22 : interview w/ the Calamari archivist on the new Asterism blog. 1/20 : the extended (60-min) version of "Recent Widow" by Mike Shiflet now available on Bandcamp + elsewhere. 1/19 : Sleepingfish 0.75 is back in print as POD, 3rd bed 4 is now available as a digital book + other spare issues of 3rd bed were found + put up on Asterism. 1/15 : CODON by Arreshy Young is here! 1/4/2025 : Calamari financial summary for 2024 + corresponding psychogeographical timeline. 12/27/2024 : the year in review on 5cense. 12/19 : On Vol. 1, Brooklyn, Nicholas Rombes and Mike Shiflet in conversation about the making of Lisa 2, v1.0, the book and the album. 12/13 : sneak peek @ the cover for Skewed ink [OoPs] 12/3 : Lisa 2, v1.0 made Reactor's list of "can't miss indie speculative fiction" for Nov/Dec + was mentioned in Paris Review. 12/1 : Lisa 2, v1.0 by Nicholas Rombes is here! Also available is the original soundtrack by Mike Shiflet. 11/22 : happy pub/b-day to cöd.eXɘ.böↄ by 5carLit.11.22. 11/16 : Calamari is officially a record label. 11/1 : behind the scenes peek at the cover for cöd.eXɘ.böↄ, a book co-missioned by Ai bot 5carLit.11.22, forthcoming from Calamari on 11/22. 11/1 : Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins by Janalyn Guo is back on the streets, back from the ruins of being out of print. 10/20 : behind the scenes peek at the cover of For disobeying by sasha hawkins. 10/15 : John Biscello reviewed the forthcoming Lisa 2, v1.0 by Nicholas Rombes. 10/01 : No Measure by Kelly Krumrie is here, measurable in space + time, can be read now. 9/28 : Red Earth reviewed in X-ray Lit. 9/27 : Dennis Cooper spotlight on Kenji Siratori. 9/26 : inside peek at the cover + some intersititals from the forthcoming CODON by Arreshy Young, pre-order it on Asterism. 9/25 : Yuxin Zhao's The Moons reviewed in Heavy Feather Review. 9/16 : feliz to announce the release of Tonalamatl by Steven Alvarez! 9/14 : excerpt from Kelly Krumrie's forthcoming No Measure in Cleveland Review of Books. 9/11 : on the shelf life of books (any reviewers, bloggers, teachers, etc. interested in review or desk copies of any Calamari title from whenever, contact us). 9/6 : Kenji Siratori's Blood Electric is the 5th Calamari book this year that was the punked victim of literary fraud (this glitchcrafted dispatch/exposé also features musical side-projects of Michael Peters + David Nutt). 9/6 : Kenji Siratori's Blood Electric is here, back from the dead! 8/31 : B-hind-the-scenes peek/peak/pique at the cover for the forthcoming Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins by Janalyn Guo + why the Calamari HQ ain't moving to BKLYN. 8/30 : Libretto Lunaversitol reviewed in Heavy Feather Review. 8/30 : The Museum of Atheism by Laura Ellen Joyce is in the house. 8/19 : Blake Butler has written a series of posts about publishing Ever w/ Calamari Archive. 8/13 : review of Yuxin Zhao's The Moons in Necessary Fiction. 8/6 : Calamari no longer uses Paypal, all payments are made thru Asterism or direct orders such as these bundles with Stripe. 8/1—Libretto Lunaversitol by Andrew C. Wenaus + Kenji Siratori has landed! Both the book + cassette are available now from Asterism, or the [cassette + book] together from Bandcamp. 7/31 : electronic/digital books are now available thru Asterism (so u dont have to wait for a humun to email them to u!), inklooting dbooks for The psychic surgeon assists, The Moons, 2-byte βeta Ei8ht ½-Loopƨ + New New Animals. 7/27: Yuxin Zhao read w/ some other migrant writers in London. 07/24 : although Libretto Lunaversitol doesn't street for another week, we're releasing the soundtrack early + if you get the cassette + book combo (for $20) then we'll ship both now. 6/24–7/19 : Calamari is in vacation mode, please get books from Asterism. Follow our travels on 5cense. 6/23 : The psychic surgeon assists + 2-byte βeta Ei8ht ½-Loopƨ made Dennis Cooper's list of faves so far in 2024. 6/16 : sneak peek @ the cover for the forthcoming reissue of Kenji Siratori's Blood Electric. 6/13 : review of Kelly Krumrie's No Measure on fck yr bookclub. 6/11 : the Calamari reprinting of Woman with Dark Horses by Aimee Parkison is now available. 6/6 : for it's 13-yr anniversary, we gave Garielle Lutz's Divorcer a makeover, revised w/ a new cover. 5/28 : cover/description/blurbs for the forthcoming No Measure by Kelly Krumrie, contact us if interested in an ARC. 5/23 : cover/description/trailer for the forthcoming Libretto Lunaversitol by Andrew C. Wenaus + Kenji Siratori, if interested in an ARC contact us. 5/22 : cover/description/blurbs for the forthcoming Tonalamatl by Steven Alvarez, if interested in an ARC contact us. 5/16 : sneak peek at what's in the works in coming months. 5/3: Michael Salu was at a Black to the Future event in London. 4/26 : The psychic surgeon assists, 2-byte βeta Ei8ht ½-Loopƨ, Ark Codex ±0 + other Calamari titles are available thru Printed Matter. 4/22 : finally swallowed our distaste for facebook + joined instagram. 4/14 : we support CLMP, but here's why Calamari is not a member ... rather than ask presses to pad mastheads w/ friends or faux names, they should ask them to stop charging reading fees. 4/1 Publi¢ 5ervice announcement: while we we feel for the presses caught up in the SPD implosion, you're better off w/ Asterism. 4/1 : The psychic surgeon assists by Zebulon House is in the house! 3/31 : Peter Markus will be teaching an "Everyday Objects, Luminous Things" workshop this summer 3/23—3/31 @ Bushel in Delhi, NY : sound/image exhibition for Michael Peters' O Kind Vel’d Sparrow, an extension of the overarching Vaast Bin project. 3/27 : Calamari reissues of Endorsed by Jack Chapeau 2 an even greater extent by Ted Pelton + Cartilage and Skin by Michael James Rizza are now available. 3/24 : Titles discounted on Asterism to free up inventory: No Moon, The Luminol Reels, Ark Codex ±0, Marsupial, The Revisionist, Land of the Snow Men + The Singing Fish. 3/15 : new from Calamari—The Moons: Fire Rooster to Earth Dog by Yuxin Zhao. 3/8 : cover/description of The psychic surgeon assists by Zebulon House (forthcoming April 1) to wet your beak. Anyone interested in an ARC let us know. 3/1 : Skewed inkLing of what's coming down the pike 4 Calamari on 5cense. 2/24 Calamari Archive announces the publication of 2-byte βeta Ei8ht ½-Loopƨ. 2/15 : Starcherone Books is back! 23 out-of-print books by Michael Joyce, Steven Hendricks, Aimee Parkison, Jonathan Callahan, Steve Katz, Kent Johnson, Blake Butler & Lily Hoang, Stacey Levine, Sarah Falkner, Raymond Federman, Leslie Scalapino, Donald Breckenridge, Joshua Harmon, Jeffrey DeShell, Harold Jaffe, Sara Greenslit, Peter Conners, Nina Shope, Kenneth Bernard, Aimee Parkison + Nicolette de Csipkay are now available through Calamari + there's more to come. Special thanks to Ted Pelton. 2/13 : Calamari is pleased to announce the re-release of New New Animals by Nick Francis Potter, revised + expanded w/ 2 additional pieces. 1/31 : zzz ><((°> XX (the Sleepingfish 20th anniversary issue), is here. 1/25 : even though we typically only announce things as they happen (not when/if they will happen), we hint at what's in the hopper on 5cense. 1/14 : Ↄalamari's annual state of the union address. 1/8 : For its 10th birthday/2nd printing, we redesigned Brandon Hobson's Deep Ellum with a new cover (+ it's available internationally on Amazon). 1/7 : cover + description of The Moons by Yuxin Zhao (forthcoming in March). Anyone interested in an ARC let us know. 1/3/2024 : Michael Salu's Red Earth is now available in digital (PDF) format. [ . . . ] |
Autobiography of the [Undead] CODON Lisa 2, v1.0 Lisa 2, v1.0 (Original Soundtrack) cöd.eXɘ.böↄ Our Colony Beyond the City of Ruins No Measure Tonalamatl Blood Electric The Museum of Atheism Libretto Lunaversitol The psychic surgeon assists The Moons: Fire Rooster to Earth Dog 2-byte βeta Ei8ht ½-Loopƨ New New Animals: Revised & Expanded TiME5 EDiT Red Earth 1/ 4 i am ĐNA Genesis HIST Math Class Summertime in the Emergency Room Tributaries Residue Herd of Birds 4ier X-forms Textiloma; or, The Postmodern Epimetheus The Static Herd Niceties: Aural Ardor, Pardon Me The Becoming A Mortal Affect Boons & The Camp